I had been hearing that couples that have been married saying a few things about love after marriage.
Some of them said that,” love is a gamble, you will never expect what is coming.” and some said that, “ the first few marriage years are the most beautiful things you will experience in life. But once you really know your spouse, you will understand how hard this life is.”
Some positive people said that, marriage gives you the opportunity to understand more about your spouse. It is how well you dwell with the challenges ahead. It is also a new experience that you will go through in life with your soulmate. If you are lucky, you will get involve with the beauty of love and found out the gist of it in every way.
Well people, enough of what they said, now this is my view of marriage. Obviously, I have never been married before and I will soon(if God wills), I had thoughts that maybe these people had no good ways that they should try to understand how this spouse system really works. To me, I am truly against the fact that my parents choose who are the right person for me. Luckily, my parents want me to find my own. Mother said that, I should find someone who is not only great at loving me, but also my parents and the people around us both. To me, marrying someone is subjective, some guy wants his lady to be religious, good-looking, smart, loving and caring, beautiful inside out and etc.
Tell me ladies, didn’t you want the same thing from a man? Agree? Yes. Sure it is. Everyone wants a perfect match for their soul. The one who stands by your side anytime you need them. The one who helps your soul to rest by just hearing and saying,” I see baby, I understand that. I think that, you should do this, avoid that, be like this, say these words and many more. I tell you guys, not everyone is lucky enough for that kind of a lady or guy. Some might get them, while the others might have spouses with flaws that they would never even expect in the life after marriage.
To me, I don’t need much, my mum said that I should find myself a religious lady, who puts the religion in front of everything and that includes fashion. Ladies and gentleman out there, fashion yourself with the right cloth because it shows you who you are. Don’t tell me that you want your spouse to be wearing the right attires to cover the things that are should be covered but you did nothing for yourself. It shows that you are greedy and selfish because you want what you want but does not give back what you requested.
A marriage life is to me a life where I should choose to love my wife as much as how she loves me. I want myself to be faithful to her as much as she gave me. I want myself to appreciate her as much as she did to me. I want myself to be busy loving her despite of her flaws as much as she cared about mine. I want to be deeply in love with my so called soulmate and give her the best of me for our life journey. I want her to be loved as much as the softness of the cuddles that my mother and father gave me since I was born up until now. I want her to feel the same as much as she have been saving those love for me.
My dear beloved future wife out there, I want you to know, I owe you billions of hearts and love that I keep for you and I will show you how it means to me. I will see you when I see you. Maybe in future times, I will have us doing those beautiful things that I always see in the romance genre movie. I hope when you read this, you know how am I and how I will be in our future life.