This entry is about the past the lived before us. The past that haunted us since it always comes to visit us and ask us of how are we doing now? Are we still remembering the things that flicks us when we are enjoying our cup of tea by the seaside and the breeze that slaps our cheek slowly bit by bit?

The past that lived inside, within us that becomes a decaying factor of our hearts and mind. How we think and act are affected of the things from our past. It may be good, it may be harmful. It may leave a good memory but to some moments, it triggers the horror chapter of the memory where we are trapped in our own world full of our own imaginations of how will karma struck us in the future. This would not only give us a stop in our glory or success days but can also stops our future goals from happening. It somehow becomes the pioneer of our self-created world and in a new chapter of our life it creates.

It may leads to a better life, I mean, learning from the past stories and syncing it to the real world that we are stepping in, the air that we are breathing with and the words that we are munching with. Make sure it at least gives you something to ponder, something to be blamed for and something as a burning flame in you to make every seconds of your life is worth it. Gets you to a better and safer place in your mind and find the greatest part of you that you lost years ago. The part of you that you use to see the world, to explore and to seek the truth that lies beneath the castle of your own ground. That part of you that mends a bond between you and yourself.

Find the past that hurts you and please make it go away. Do what ever you can to fist it as hard as you can so that it will never come again to you, visiting your thoughts and filth you with your rotten past. Make sure it will never intervenes you with your glory and slows your paste towards your goal of getting to yourself again. Put a wall to those past bullshits that happened and make yourself always ready to face it. Get yourself an armor so that you can protect your loved ones also from those never ending thoughts. People might trigger these things to you but your mindset must be strong and evade it from getting closer to you.

Note to you readers,

Your past is something called your memories and sometimes may be your disaster. You should yield to it and understand it. Maybe there is something for you to digest after those things had happened. Maybe, there is something sweet for you after those bitter moments. Maybe, just maybe.


Qaseh said…
Good write

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