Broken Ties

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(Picture by : Google image)

Hello there everyone, I have not been available for a while because of tight schedules and some other priorities to take care of. To be honest, its hard to say good bye to writing because I love it. I can speak in front but it will be not as fluent as how I can write, even though, still out there, lies so many awesome and talented writers. I wish I can hold on the things that put me into passion of writing and expressing myself through these words and notes.
Well, today is a day I will bring out my thoughts about building a relationship. Now, many of you will think this one is quite cliche as of the topic itself, boring and what so ever you may describe. I don’t mind at all. Nevertheless, I will keep writing to make you understand and share what I feel throughout what I see and experience either by hand or by other people’s mistake. I might say, the doors that open to a great relationship is the ability to accept changes.
Now people, changing pours to cup into different colors. It can be to a good reason or even bad. Think of the consequences and put reality on check. Lets play with gender relativity shall we? Ladies, well most of them (as we all know) not just like but can be considered as love to label these men such crude and offensive words such as, “Men are trash.” Well, I might say, ladies, you are right. At some places, guys are quite stupid at making decisions just to remain you calm in situations that you didn’t really know what you think you are doing. It might be hard sometimes to make others understand how we feel and social media could help, but to me, it only functions a little to keep the relationships stronger everyday.
Well, of my observation, as of that label being officially used in the social media and even in public to label how disgusting a trash(men) may be, many of the good guys out there are also affected. It has become a stereotype to the society that men are really living in fantasies and almost what ever they did, cannot be accepted, thus, those words comes out, men are trash. Come on ladies, I am not playing with genders sensitivity but just to help you apply some manners on top of everything. Being rude and rough are two different things. Rude means you are not considerate to what others may feel about a certain situation or option while the latter means you are just poking and joking around. Sadly, bimbos love to be the former. Not to you good ladies out there, remain good alright? Good guys will be for good girls is not a myth after all.
Upon this line, you may think of more and more disgusting words that I might say to you. If yes, then you are not really being considerate, and that means I got you didn’t I? Think clearly my dear readers, how would you distinguish a bad attitude and a good one? You ought to learn how to do so. Being stupid and inconsiderate is also two very different things. Stupid or imbecile shows how funny yet unpredictable plus less attitude you reacted to one thing while inconsiderate means that you take things on your own. Thinking of how you can deal this by only listening to your thoughts. If you did listen to how others said about it, then listen and read more. One person cannot tell the difference between you and him, either one has done the right thing. Remember dear readers, if you think that you are right, put aside those feelings and be humble. Be uncertain of what it might cost you if you only bow to yourself, thoughts as if the only person in this situation that is right is you and will always be you. Some of you might disagree,well, I don’t care at all. If you have a brave heart to change, you can continue a good relationship. If you are not ready to change, then you are not fit to marriage. Take not of that.
Tame your desires, cut it if its only important for you and will always be only for you while others struggle to make you feel better but they are not. Respect is what I also wanted to put here where ladies out there should also know, men that you are calling trash is also your father. Remember that you faggots. Who ever he may be, acting like he don’t care but he does. If you cannot forgive and move on, you will never see men are good again. I tell you one little secret that the world has known for centuries. “Men are trash when you see it as it is. If you be a good person, then a good one will come to you bringing a good heart.” That is all for today. If you have any thoughts, drop down your words at the comment. If I am wrong, don’t belittle me, judge me like I am a prick that stands for men only but advise me on majestic words that you are thinking about.


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